Types of Massages

Sports massage

Rehabilitation/ remedial massage

Deep tissue massage

Medical accupuncture and dry needling

Hot stones massage

Stress relief / Relaxation massage

Manual lymphatic drainage treatment·     

Sports massage

Are you a sports person wanting to achieve your goal? Preparing for a competition? Or do a lot of physical activity? Then a sports massage can help. If you overtrain, do too much high impact training, have over stretched, or have not warmed up or down correctly, it can take its toll on the muscular skeletal system which can lead to injuries. If these injuries are not treated, it can lead to further unexplained or re-occurring injuries.


The main benefits of sports massage are:

·         Release of tension in the muscle

·         Improved circulation

·         Encouraging the removal of waste products

·         Helping the body relax

·         Speeding up recovery and decrease in pain

·         Helping to optimise performance before sporting events

·         Aiding recovery after sporting events

·         Maintaining condition and optimising the effect of training


Deep tissue massage

Very similar to a Swedish massage but it uses stronger massage strokes to access the deeper layers of muscles and tissue to relieve discomfort and pain. If you’re recovering from an injury, deep tissue massage can be a helpful part of your treatment plan. By breaking down adhesions or scar tissue which restrict the full range of movement and so easing tension and restoring full function of that area.


The main benefits of a deep tissue massage are;

·         Helping to reduce muscle tension

·         Treating muscle and tendon injuries

·         Breaking up scar tissue and adhesions

·         Helping to promote a better range of movement in muscle groups and joints

·         Helping to rehabilitate injured muscles 


Medical Accupuncture and Dry Needling

Dry needling involves inserting a tiny monofilament needle in a muscle or muscles in order to release tension in muscles and especially in trigger points. This can help resolve pain and muscle tension and promotes healing. This is not traditional Chinese acupuncture but is instead a treatment that relies on a medical diagnosis to be effective. Dry needling is a valuable and effective treatment for pain of musculoskeletal pain.

Rehabilitation/ remedial massage

After an injury it is essential to rest it for 48 hours using the PRICE protocol – Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. After this it is important to start the rehabilitation process to help restore it to its full working function.

Careful massage soon after the injury, in the inflammatory stage has been shown to prevent the development of scaring and adhesions around the damaged tissue. Gently massaging the damaged, knotted, tense or immobile areas to help promote recovery and keep the full range of movement in that area.


The main benefits of rehabilitation/ remedial massage are;

·         breaking down scar tissue

·         realigning new muscle fibres

·         improving circulation

·         reducing swelling

·         improving recovery time

·         helping restore the full range of movement to that area



Hot stones massage

Treat yourself to a wonderful hot (and cold) stone massage, especially on a cold gloomy day. Relax and enjoy the warmth of the hot stones.


The main benefits of a hot stones massage are:

·         relieving tension and pain

·         reliving stress and anxiety

·         aiding sleep

·         boosting the immune system

·         helping manage chronic pain

·         helping promote self-healing

·         stimulating the circulation – especially if you alternate it with cold stones!

Stress Relief/ Relaxation Massage

Manual lymphatic drainage treatment·